Monday 2 January 2017


My experience in class and lesson with Madam Ami

Assalammualaikum i like to thank to Allah for give me change to take this subject which is Retail management.Also to my parents that want to see their daughter can score in Degree life.not to forget to my madam Pn Ami Suhana that teach all of us in retail management and give some tips and advice to us not TO REPEAT THIS PAPER  because of that I remind to myself do not have a repeat paper for degree!!! lastly to my teammate/group assignment and others thank you because letting me know you all in this subject because in next maybe we meet or maybe not thank you for all the information and memories that we build together.From this lesson I learn so much about the location ,retailers,customer service and more. From all lesson in the class i will remember when madam ami ask me to draw layout in the Starbucks at rnr that time I really blushing but its the fun time when have the lesson in class that i should remember. Thank you Madam for everything .

customer service

Chapter 11
Customer service

Customer service is the act of taking care of the customer's needs by providing and delivering professional, helpful, high quality service and assistance before, during, and after the customer's requirements are met.

High quality service when employee meet the expectation customer.

Three basic task of retailing

must be focus on :
  1. Merchandise management
  2. building and fixture management
  3. Promotion management
  4. Price management
  5. credit management
Various customer type : which has 6 type :
  • Defensive
  • Interrupter
  • Decisive
  • Indesive
  • sociable
  • impulsive

for the salespeople its also must be train to be a great salesperson to sell the product:
  • Data requirement - details product must know from a-z
  • working hour - don't have fix working hour ,weekend also work if have a appoinment with client
  • must be punctual 
  • smart to tackles customer expectations.

store layout and design

Chapter 10
Store layout and design

From this chapter have 2 objective of the store environment
  1. Store image(how much we spend to get customer into the store)
  2. Space productivity(how longer we can make customer spend to our store and show them and make the demonstration to them)
Element of store environment
  1. visual communication (Retail identify,graphics)
  2. Store planning (space allocation,layout)
  3. store design ( exterior design,lighting)- where customer easy to                                                               remember ex: lovely                                                                     lace with the smell 
  4. Merchandising ( Fixtures selection,merchandise presentation                              (visual merchandising like in IKEA they                                        organize one side for display ))


( Free flow Layout)
ex: Brands Outlet

( The Grid Layout)
Ex: Miniso

( The spine layout)
ex: H&M

( The Loop Layout)

retail pricing

Chapter 9
Retail Pricing

Price elasticity demand can change quantities customer will buy.

Elastic : Small percentage change in price to substantial quantities                 unit bought.
inelastic: large percentage change in price lead to small percentage                  will change quantities unit bought.

Markup pricing calculation
Markup % = Retail selling price - merchandise cost
                                             at Retail                    Retail selling price


                            Markup % = Planned retail operating expenses + planned profit
                                            at retail                       Planned net sales
Specific pricing decision
  1. how long prices maintained?
  2. odd price being use? odd price ( 199 shop)
  3. should customer get discount from purchased?

retail organizational and HRM

Chapter 8
Retail organizational and HRM

From this chapter we need to focus on 1) Target market needs 
                                                           2) Employee needs
                                                           3) Management needs

1) Target market Needs
  •   Personnel knowledgeable and courteous ?
  • Facilities well maintained?
  • changing needs promptly addressed?
2) Employee needs
  • position challenging and satisfied enough?
  • Good performance ?
  • channel communication clear and open?
3) Management needs
  • employee motivated?
  • each worker have their own supervisor?
  • Organization plan well integrated?

(Process of organizing a retail firm)

( Organizational that use for small business)

(Mazur Organizational for department store)

(equal store organizational format use by chain store)

(Organizational plan of Kroger)

  1. Recruiting
  2. Selecting
  3. Training
  4. Compensating
  5. Supervising

site location

Chapter 6 
Site Location
This chapter only discuss step 2-4 only which is

Step 2 :Determine what type of location is desirable
Step 3 : Select the general location.
Step 4 : Evaluate alternative specific store sites.

from my study there is 3 type of location :
  1. Isolated store
  2. Planned shopping center
  3. Unplanned business district(Kuala Lumpur)
Isolated store 
  • no direct competition
  • low rental cost
  • easy parking
  • ex: kenanga mall
Planned shopping center
  • one stop shopping family

Unplanned business district

center of city

retailer location

Chapter 5
Retailer location

1) shopping center: Traditional & power center
    Traditional: Children place
    Power center : at the mall , sport authority, Toys R-Us
  • shopping malls
       - all in one : one stop shopping mall
         - Aging
         - demographic
2) city or town locations
3) Free standing sites
4) other retailers opportunities
  • Airports
  • Resorts
  • Hospital
Type of leases

Percentage lease - lease based on % of sales

 3 clauses:
  1. Prohibited use clauses
       limit the landlords from leasing to certain tenants
   2.  Exclusive use clauses
   3. Escape use clauses.

Also have a rule that must tenants follow :
  • zoning and building code
  • sign
  • licensing requirements- alcoholic beverages