Monday 2 January 2017

retail marketing strategy

Chapter 4
Retail Marketing Strategy

Long term strategic : New competitors
                                : New formats
                                : New Technologies
                                : Shifts in customers needs
Main point to focus 
  • Target market
  • Retail Format
  • Sustainable competitive advantage
Target market
specific target market which is woman in 33-40 y/o only.

Sustainable competitive advantage
  • Customer loyalty
  • location
  • HRM
  • Unique merchandise
  • Vendor relation
  • Customer service
3 approaches that sustainable competitive advantage
  1. Build strong relationship with customer
  • Customer loyalty-how long the customer use our product
  • Brand image-all people or customer know what symbols of the company like Mcdonald ( M)
  • Unique merchandise-their own brand product like IKEA (their bottle ),JayaJusco(scarlet)
  • Unique positioning-
  • CRM-typically focused on reward based on how much their purchased.
  • Customer service-attitude and behavior staff towards customer because most of customer want a                                   good and extra service and effect whether they want to buy or not.
     2. Build relationship with suppliers
  •  HRM
  • Distribution and information system.

     -making strategy for retaining the employees
     - making organizational 
     Distribution and information system
     - location:
     - Growth strategies-->market penetration
                                  --> market expansion 
                                  --> Diversification 
                                  --> Retail format Development 

   3. International market entry strategy

       Stage strategic retail planning process
  1. Define the business mission
  2. Conduct a situation audit:(Market attractiveness strategy,competitor analysis,self-analysis)
  3. Identify strategic opportunities
  4. Evaluate strategic alternatives
  5. Established specific objective and allocate resources
  6. Develop a retail mix to implement strategy
  7. Evaluate performance and make adjustment      

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